The Wild Radish Song

Dec 20, 2013

The video below is very entertaining, somewhat of an Aussie folk-reggae-rap on wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) that is resistant to herbicides in 3 different herbicide families (but not glyphosate). Herbicide resistant weeds are common in Australia; there are 62 species with one or more types of resistance according to the website weed The only country with more resistant species is the US with 145. But considering how much herbicide is used throughout the US compared to Australia, their problem is huge relative to ours. At least the Aussie have a sense of humor on the subject. 

A better comparison might be to California because our gross value of agriculture is similar ($45 B in CA vs $49 B in Aus). We have 19 resistant weed species, about a third of what there are in Australia. The difference, in my opinion, is a greater reliance on herbicides for weed control in Australia compared to here. For a very good series of blogs and references on the subject of herbicide resistance, I suggest you explore the UC Weed Science blog

By the way, I discovered that I had set up the comment field on this blog to require you to register; so I changed it. I’m still new to this process (at least that’s my excuse). I would really like to use this blog to answer questions and to flesh out things, so let me know what you think. Or contact me at Contact me at or on twitter @CarlEBell. 

Happy Holidays to all, Carl