Schedule of Events
Audio and video recordings will be available here on their respective day, and on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter at @ucsouthcoast.
Monday 6/22/2020
"Growing Avocado: For the Hobby Farmer & Novice at Home"
Presented by Greg Rager- UC Master Gardener, CA Rare Fruit Grower
"Backyard Burgers w/ Spicy Guacamole"
Presented by Chef Jairo Bogarin, Hamburgers Nice
Tuesday 6/23/2020
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon: Edwin G. Hart A Fascinating look into the early days of marketing avocado in California
Presented by Paul Spitzzeri, Workman and Homestead Museum
"Pulled Jackfruit and Avocado Mole Tacos"
Presented by Chef Andrea Machuca, the Culinary Underground
Wednesday 6/24/2020
History of Avocado Varieties and Their Improvement in Southern California
Presented by Eric Focht- Staff Research Associate UC Riverside Botany & Plant Science
"Easy to Make Stuffed Avocados"
Presented by Natalie Price- UC Cooperative Extension Expanded Foods & Nutrition Program
Thursday 6/25/2020
End of Avocado Costume Contest
Friday 6/26/2020
Avocado Game Night (live online avocado trivia for prizes)
Saturday 6/27/2020
The Avocado Wrap Up: Question and Answer Session w/ the Experts
(Open to the public, pre-registration required by clicking HERE.