Over 800 visit South Coast REC..

Nov 10, 2015

Over 800 visit South Coast REC..

Nov 10, 2015

Over 800 visitors braved the scorching temperatures to experience the Urban Landscape & Garden Education Expo at the UC ANR Urban Landscape & Garden Education Expo on September 26th.

There were activities for the young and old alike ranging from a tram ride through the extension orchards, presentations on various topics such as rebates or plant selection, to tasting the delectable fruits grown at the REC, or even using a little muscle power making a refreshing drink on one of the 4-H booths smoothy bikes.

Exhibitors included representatives from Cooperative Extension programs - 4-H Youth Program, Master Gardeners, and EFNEP; irrigation sources, nurseries specializing in native or low water use plants, county agencies focusing on water quality and water conservation.

If you have a chance, be sure to join us next year on September 24, 2016 - you won't be disappointed.