Landscape Plant Irrigation Trials - We want to know your thoughts!

Aug 6, 2020

Landscape Plant Irrigation Trials - We want to know your thoughts!

Aug 6, 2020
Evaluating plants that have low water needs.
If you're a landscape or horticultural professional, garden writer or blogger, breeder or a UC Master Gardener, we could use your help on evaluating a research project partially located at UC South Coast Research and Extension Center!
One of the beautiful red roses being evaluated.
UC Davis horticulturists in collaboration with UC Cooperative Extension researchers based in Orange County and San Joaquin County, are evaluating landscape plants with the potential to be good performers in low-water use gardens. We're currently looking for assistance in evaluating exciting new cultivars provided by growers and breeders who want to evaluate their new plant varieties for low-water use in hot California gardens. The results of these trials are providing growers and retailers the information they need to successfully distribute and market these plants to the public.
In the past, these evaluations have been done in person at research plots located at UC Davis and UC South Coast REC, but this time we're going virtual!
Register to participate in the Summer 2020 virtual evaluation.
If you've been to past events, you will receive a 1-time link to an online tour of the plants in July and a ratings survey. If you are a landscape or horticultural professional, garden writer or blogger, breeder or a UC Master Gardener and you haven't been to one of our events and would like to participate, please visit
More information about the Landscape Plant Irrigation Trial can be found by visiting

By Tammy Majcherek
Editor - Community Educator Specialist II
By Jason Suppes