Alternatives to Invasive Ornamentals

Aug 31, 2009
Periwinkle or Vinca major is a ground cover that has been popularly planted in many areas of California.  It has also become a major pest in many coastal and valley riparian areas where it has naturalized and now out competes many of the native flora.  It is also a major pest in my garden and I am looking for great alternatives to take its place.  The good news is that there is a web link on the California Gardening website to a group called PlantRight.  (  They have extensive lists of non-invasive ornamental plant alternatives for every climate zone in California. 

For example, some of the suggested plants that could be used to replace Vinca include: Serbian Bellflower (Campanual poscharskyana),Bear’s-foot Hellebore (Helleborus foetidus), Heartleaf Bergenia (Bergenia cordifolia and hybrids),Pachysandra (Pachysandra terminalis), Wild Ginger (Asarum caudatum, and finally Sarcococca (Sarcococca hookerana humilis).  These are all beautiful plants that will grow well in the shade with only a moderate amount of water.  

To learn more about invasive plants and the garden alternatives......

By Pamela M. Geisel
Author - UC Cooperative Extension Advisor, emeritus